How to Play Matrix Mania

Spell as many words as you can from the word matrix within five minutes. Type each word in the text box below the matrix. Click enter to see correctly spelled words in the green box. The numbers above the text box show how many words you have correctly spelled out of the total possible. Play until time runs out or you find all the words. You may turn off the timer to spell all the words at your own pace.

How to Build Words from a Word Matrix

Every word must include the word element in blue. Usually, it is the base of the words, but sometimes, it is a prefix or suffix.

Words emboldened in black are secondary base elements and do not need to be in every word.

Build words from left → right.

Follow the prefix and suffix boxes in a linear fashion.

You do not have to start in the first box unless it contains the blue word element.

You do not have to use every box.

Once you start building a word, you cannot skip over a box.

You may not use two elements from the same column in a single word.

You may not use an element from a box above or below one already used.

A word must be in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary ( to be included. Just because you can make a word doesn't mean it is a word.

Apply the rules for adding suffixes as necessary. The applicable rule is immediately below the word matrix. See the Instructional Videos to learn these rules.

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